Chameleon® III B
How can I pair my Chameleon®III B to my PT3000 ?
PT3000 Pairing with Chameleon®III B from Martin System® on Vimeo.
How can I use both side of my PT3000 with the Chameleon®III B ?
PT3000 Pairing both side from Martin System® on Vimeo.
How can I pair my Chameleon®III B to my K9 ?
K9 Pairing with Chameleon® III B from Martin System® on Vimeo.
Why I am not able to pair my Chameleon®III B with a transmitter ?
Chameleon®III B - Difference between Contact Research and Pairing Mode from Martin System® on Vimeo.
How can I unpair my Chameleon®III B from every transmitter ?
Chameleon®III B - Deleting all ID from Martin System® on Vimeo.
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